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Enhanced Healthcare Partners Invest in NeuroPsychiatric Hospitals

Updated: May 17, 2023

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Enhanced Healthcare Partners, a leading healthcare-focused private equity firm specializing in middle-market healthcare services businesses, is pleased to announce its investment in NeuroPsychiatric Hospitals, a leading provider of integrated healthcare for patients with acute psychiatric disorders and complex medical and neurological disorders.

Founded in 2006, NPH utilizes an integrated model of care supported by an interdisciplinary team of healthcare practitioners to ensure the diverse needs of each of their patients are addressed. Unlike the traditional hospital emergency room or a psychiatric care facility where the clinical staff is not equipped to care for patients with both psychiatric and medical issues, NPH’s clinical staff have expertise across multiple disciplines including psychiatric, behavioral, neurological, and medical disorders.

The funding from EHP will be used to advance NPH’s expansion efforts and strategic objectives. NPH currently has four locations in Indiana and plans to open additional hospitals in Arizona and Texas during the second half of 2020. EHP will partner with NPH Founder and CEO Cameron Gilbert, PhD, at this inflection point, and together they will continue to build upon NPH’s platform designed to meet the needs of this significantly underserved psychiatric and medical patient population. EHP and NPH have plans for further expansion nationwide. Read the full press release here.


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